Deterministic forecast data of different weather models is used to plot charts showing various parameters, which are useful for forecasting severe thunderstorms. Note that CAPE is calculated differently by each model (for more details see Table 1 on page 14 in Groenemeijer et al. 2019).
ECMWF: Composite #1 | Composite #2 ICON-EU: Composite #1 | Composite #2 AROME: Reflectivity & Updraft Helicity ICON-D2: Reflectivity & Updraft Helicity | Reflectivity & Synthetic IR 10.8 ICON-D2-EPS (Postage Stamps): CAPE | CIN | Lightning Potential | Total Precipitation | Updraft Helicity | Wind GustComposite #1 = CAPE/SHEAR/CIN*/CONVERGENCE/SRH Composite #2 = WMAXSHEAR/EHI/MSLP/HUMIDITY/PWAT*/STORMMOTION (* currently not available for ICON-EU)