ECMWF Forecast Soundings

3-hourly ECMWF deterministic forecast data (T+48h) is used to plot vertical profiles and hodographs for specific locations.
Additional parameters for forecasting thunderstorms are also calculated.

Note that the dashed blue/black line shown in the Skew-T/log-P diagrams denotes the ascent trajectory of a surface-based/50-hPa mixed-layer parcel.

Available locations:

Copyright: Luca Mathias

ECMWF Forecast Charts

3-hourly ECMWF deterministic forecast data (T+48h) is used to plot charts showing different parameters, which are usually considered when forecasting the potential of severe thunderstorms.

Note that CAPE is computed for parcels departing from each model level up to 350 hPa pressure surface. For parcels ascending from the lowest 60 hPa, mixed-layer values are used for 30 hPa deep layers. Hence, a surface parcel (parcel departing from the lowest model level) is not considered. The maximum CAPE from all the parcels is retained (for more details see Groenemeijer et al. 2019).

Available charts: